Join us for 3 days of practical leadership sessions.
Whether you join us online or in person at one of our gathering spaces (Melbourne; or set up your own and let us know), you will not want to miss these 3 days! Check out our guest presenters below and make sure you don't miss out on this opportunity to be equipped as a leader.
There are two sessions per day starting Monday 28th - Wednesday 30th, August;
Session 1 runs from 10 am - 12 pm, and
Session 2 runs from 2 pm - 4 pm.
Sessions including topics on:
Contextualising Vision and Strategy
Formation and Ministry
Stewarding Your Gifting
and more...
There is NO COST but limited spots for each session, so register below and select the session/s you wish to attend.
Director of Micro Churches Australia
Monday Sessions 1 & 2
Multiplying Micro Churches
Bree is an ordained Anglican minister, a director of Micro Churches Australia, and a doctoral student in the area of Missional Leadership, focusing on innovative leadership in the Australian context. Until the end of 2020, she was Senior Associate Minister at Glen Waverley Anglican Church in Melbourne where she pioneered a network of missional communities alongside a contemporary Anglican Church. Now, along with her husband and kids, they are part of a new micro church network church plant in Melbourne and help lead a community called The Village. Bree has completed a Masters of Missional Leadership, focusing on missional culture change in existing churches. Bree is passionate about spiritual formation, catalyzing change, raising leaders, and contextualized mission. She loves to read, wakeboard, and go for long walks in new places, preferably near the ocean!
Church Planter | School Chaplain
Tuesday Session 2
The Church and Mission in Context
Before being a school chaplain and church planter, Belinda had well over a decade of ministry experience in various contexts. She has a passion for discipleship-focused leadership, growing through investing in others, helping people feel that they belong and are cared for and to enable others to become all that they can through Jesus . This is reflected in EL's coaching process where Belinda is the Head of Coaching, here leaders are given both the tools and practice to broaden their skills while supporting another upcoming leader.
Belinda is married to Justin and they have 3 children, a dog, a cat and numerous chickens! Belinda loves movies, chocolate, reading and escaping to the beach.
Leadership Development, Disciplemaking and Youth Ministry Director
Wednesday Session 2
Digest and Apply
Andy is a leader whose heart is to see leaders of all generation, equipped, trained and launched as disciple-making movement leaders, into all networks and communities. He has dedicated his time investing in youth and young adults as well as the development of leaders.
He is married to Rachel and together they have four daughters. Andy is a sports lover, coffee drinker and music dabbler.
Director of Church Planting at City to City Australia
Tuesday Session 1
Character of a Leader in Today's Context
Peter has spent his life sharing the gospel, planting churches, and serving as a pastor to pastors. Having lived in four countries and equipped church planting teams in more than 50, Peter now lives in Melbourne, Australia, with his wife Judy, but travels widely equipping and coaching church planters and pastors.
Evangelism in Australia Director
Wednesday Session 1
Evangelism Today
Tina met Jesus in San Diego, California at 23 years of age after an incredible set of circumstances led to the most remarkable transformation that continues to this day. Having had almost three decades of working on local church staff and with bible colleges and mission organisations; Tina completed her Doctor of Ministry at Fuller Theology Seminary; lead and coach evangelism groups; write accredited courses; train believers, mobilise leaders, strategise with churches; host a weekly podcast and ultimately create movement toward reaching Australia for Jesus.
With her husband Peter (is a Kiwi) and two beautiful children, they live knowing how wonderful Christ is and with a desire to share His love and reality with others.
Practitioner. Expertise. Passion.
Our sessions are led by experienced practitioners who are experts in their respective fields. They facilitate these sessions with the intention of equipping emerging leaders with practical and tangible skills. We focus on applying knowledge, rather than just imparting information, and provide ample opportunities for attendees to engage with and ask questions of our facilitators.